About me
With a camera in hands since school years. Initially, it was the analogue photography with its limitations and advantages, the specific aroma of developer and fixing agents, and use of red light. This was followed by the digital era with pixels, matrices, and use of various software to editing the material. This is how I try to live and grow in this world. I try to show what I have seen also to you. Sometimes it is understandable, sometimes a little bit less, but sometimes it is completely weird.
Achievements in photography competitions:
Year 2011
1. Third prize in Nikon international competition 2010 – 2011, Category „Energy”.
2. First prize in the competition organised by the Latvian Association of Wedding Photographers, Category „Free Theme”.
Year 2010
1. Third prize in the competition organised by the Latvian Association of Wedding Photographers, Category „The Newly Married Couple”.
Year 2009
1. Third prize in competition „Most Beautiful Summer Night 2009” organised by Delfi portal.
2. Incentive prize from EPSON in the competition “Golden Autumn in Latvia 2009” organised by Delfi portal.
3. Second prize and special prize from Jelgava Municipality in the competition “Find the Soul of Jelgava” organised by photographers’ club “Shutter.lv” (currently club “Siena”).
Year 2008
1. One of the three winners in the competition “Most Beautiful Summer Night” organised by Delfi portal.